Inclusive Fertility Benefits for LGBTQ+ Employees: A Guide by Syrona Health
Anya Roy
Anya Roy


Despite significant progress, discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community persists, particularly in areas like healthcare and fertility. Limited benefits options and lack of insurance coverage create emotional distress, logistical challenges, and financial barriers for LGBTQ+ individuals and couples seeking to start a family. As a result, more employees are turning to their employers for inclusive fertility benefits. In this post, we'll explore the importance of supporting LGBTQ+ employees through inclusive fertility benefits and provide key considerations for employers.

Barriers to LGBTQ+ family formation

Traditional health insurance coverage typically requires heterosexual, cisgender couples to prove infertility after a year of unsuccessful attempts at pregnancy through regular intercourse. However, this narrow definition of infertility excludes LGBTQ+ couples, single-intending parents, and those seeking parenthood outside a heterosexual, cisgender partnership. Consequently, the cost-prohibitive nature of in vitro fertilisation (IVF), with an average price of £13,000, places it out of reach for those unable to receive an infertility diagnosis. Insurance restrictions and inadequate support for alternative paths to starting a family create significant obstacles for the 63% of LGBTQ+ millennials considering expanding their families. Employers can play a pivotal role by offering diverse and flexible family-forming options.

Key considerations for inclusive fertility benefits

Diverse family-forming options

In addition to IVF and egg freezing, employers should ensure that fertility benefits encompass gestational surrogacy, adoption, foster care, and donor-assisted reproduction. These options allow LGBTQ+ individuals and couples to have biological children, expand their families, or provide loving homes through adoption or foster care.

Inclusive language

Employers must select vendors that utilise inclusive and up-to-date terminology. Discriminatory terms like "artificial," "non-traditional," and "alternative" should be avoided, while gender assumptions and misgendering must be actively discouraged.

Access to LGBTQ+-friendly services

To counteract discrimination in healthcare settings, employers should choose fertility benefit vendors with extensive networks of LGBTQ+-friendly clinics and providers. This ensures that employees receive inclusive and supportive care throughout their family-forming journeys.

Mental health support

Given the higher prevalence of mental health issues among LGBTQ+ individuals, it is crucial for employers to prioritise fertility benefits that integrate mental health support. On-demand chats with emotional support experts and personalised care navigation can significantly assist employees during their family-forming journeys.

Legal resources for LGBTQ+ families

Legal complexities often arise in various family-forming options. Employers should seek fertility benefits partners who can provide the necessary legal support, including staying informed about relevant laws, educating employees on their legal options, and offering coverage for legal care services.


By selecting inclusive, flexible, and diverse fertility benefits, employers can support their LGBTQ+ employees on their family-forming journeys. Offering diverse family-forming options, using inclusive language, partnering with LGBTQ+-friendly providers, providing mental health support, and offering legal resources are crucial steps towards creating an inclusive and supportive work environment. Syrona Health is committed to assisting employers in developing inclusive fertility benefits that meet the unique needs of their LGBTQ+ workforce. To learn more about how Syrona Health can support your LGBTQ+ employees in their family-forming journeys, please contact us today.

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